Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Anaya Crawls to Kyle

Her crawling gets better and better each day and now she can crawl towards Kyle and me.

Anaya is Crawling!

Anaya crawled forward for the first time last week! I was so excited, I almost cried!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pooh Walker

I've been really wanting to get Anaya a walker.  Since she loves standing so much, I needed to get her something she could stand in on her own.  Walkers are kind of expensive so, I didn't want to buy one from the store.  I found this pooh walker on Craigslist for $10!  Praise the Lord for Craigslist! 

A visit to Great Grandma Nancy's House

We took Anaya to Muncie to see her Great Grandma, Nancy.  Nancy and Anaya were meeting for the first time and we haven't seen her since before our wedding.  Anaya is Nancy's first great-granddaughter (boys run in the Reed family).

She made her way under Nancy's couch, too!

Her first Halloween

We had no desire to get her a Halloween costume but, I thought it would be funny to put Kyle's afro on her and she looked so cute!  I think she can definitely make that look work!

She's on the move!

She was crawling backwards in the living room and ended up underneath the couch.

She looks just like her daddy in this picture!

Anaya is 6 months!

It's hard to believe Anaya is almost 7 months old!  She is growing so fast!  She now weighs about 14 pounds (which is a little small for her age) but she's growing just fine.  It seems like she does something new everyday.  She can hold her own bottle, sit up by herself and now she's working on crawling.  At this point she can only go backwards but, she knows how to get to where she wants to go.  Recently, she started saying 'da-da' and she started clapping yesterday.  She truly makes life exciting for us.  I wake up every morning wondering what she's going to discover during the day.  She's sleeping very well through the night.  This is mostly attributed to the very few naps she takes during the day.  She has too much going on to take a nap...she never wants to miss a thing!