Tuesday, June 30, 2009

And so it begins...

Our friend, Eddie, took it upon himself to teach Anaya how to climb the furniture.

Thanks, Eddie. We'll be bringing her over to your house so she can climb your furniture.

"The Look"

Anaya has this "look" that she gives people when she's not happy with them. At first she only gave this look to my brothers but she does it all the time now. It took us a while to figure out where she got it from until one day I caught myself giving Kyle that same look!

PBS Kids in the Park

I took Anaya downtown to PBS Kids in the Park with some friends. We had the most fun at the Gymboree tent. We sang songs, played games and did activities with the parachute Anaya is standing on. When I took this picture, all the kids where running around chasing bubbles and Anaya had no idea what was going on. I was trying to get her to notice the bubbles but, she was oblivious.

This was about around the time she noticed them and was trying to pop them.

Nyla (on the left), Ke'Mora and Anaya.

Singing "I'm a Little Teapot". The Gymboree lady needed a child for demonstration so I volunteered Anaya so I could take pictures.
Anaya underneath the parachute.

This was the 'popcorn' game. There were balls in the center of the parachute and everyone shook it so the balls would bounce up and down. Anaya was so excited! She loved it.

Anaya was not very excited about playing dress up. I don't blame her though...it was 90 degrees outside! Don't worry...she wasn't wearing it for very long. Just long enough for me to get a few pictures.
'Mora and Anaya...so cute!

Father's Day

We spent Father's Day with the Reeds. Anaya got to spend some time playing with her cousins, Caleb and Aidan.

Anaya's getting so big!

Anaya is getting so big and so independent. She is becoming less baby and more toddler.
She's wearing sunglasses...

...watching t.v....

...trying on Mommy's shoes...

...feeding herself...

...and wearing big girl pajamas!