Monday, November 1, 2010

Visit from The Hyltons

Pastor Hylton and Sis. Bev were ministering in Houston and decided to stop by Dallas and spend some time with us. We are so blessed to have Pastors that care and support us in ministry.

...dinner at Babe's Chicken in Cedar Hill. It was good!

Texas State Fair

My cousin was in town for the weekend so we all went to the fair.

Anaya got to pet and feed some animals. Here she is feeding a goat...
...petting a camel...
and petting another goat. She had so much fun. When we left the barn, she was crying "I want animals! I want animals!"

"Big Tex"

Anaya went on her first ride!

#1 Colts Fans (that live in Dallas)

The Master of Disguise

Summer fun

I found a nice little water playground this summer that Anaya loves. And the best part is...they only charged $1!

Anaya and her bff, McKenzie


On Kyle's Birthday, we took Anaya to Butler University for the first time. We walked around the campus and took some really great pictures.

Anaya wanted to climb into the star fountain. She was very disappointed when we told her she couldn't.

Indianapolis in July

In July we drove to Indianapolis from Dallas for the first time. It took us about 13 hours and we did most of our driving at night (for Anaya's sake). Anaya did very well on the trip even though she didn't get much sleep. Because of her car seat, it was really difficult for her to get comfortable enough to sleep for a long period of time.

We were really excited to see our family!

Some friends and I took Anaya to the Plainfield Aquatic Center. It was so much fun!

Anaya LOVES the water. She was fearless!

She was so tired when we left...and Paige was too!!