Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mom and the Hyltons in Dallas

My mom and our Pastors came to visit us last month. We were excited to have them with us. We've been really homesick and it was great to have family with us! They flew in on a Thursday evening and left early on Monday morning. When we first saw them, Anaya took off running to them (although it seemed like she didn't know who she was running to).

Pastor Hylton and Kyle
Kaitlyn and Anaya
'Lola' playing with Anaya on Friday morning
Friday morning in our apartment with Mom, Sister Bev, Pastor Hylton and Anaya

On Friday, we went to a mall in Mesquite, TX. Mesquite is about 20 minutes from CFNI. We did a little shopping and then we had a dinner at Benihana.

Anaya loved those chopsticks!

Saturday morning I cooked breakfast for everyone and invited our friends, Ricky and Angela, to join us. We wanted them to meet our Pastors and my mom. Ricky and Angela have become very good friends of ours. This is their 1st year in Dallas at CFNI. They are from Chicago and they have 3 beautiful children who love to play with Anaya.

After Breakfast, we gave Pastor and Sis. Bev a tour of the campus, then we ate some good ole Texas BBQ at Big Bruce's. Next we all went to the movies to see 'This Is It'.

On Sunday Morning, we went to church at Trinity Church. Trinity is a church in Cedar Hill, TX (about 15 minutes away) that Kyle and I were thinking about attending. We have since decided on another church but, we had a great time. Kyle left the service early to pick up Uncle Glenn and Donna from the airport (they stayed with us for a few days---it was so wonderful having so much family around!) and then we all had lunch at the Macaroni Grill. Later that evening, we went to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and had a fantabulous time!! We didn't want the night to end because we knew they have to leave in the morning.

We had a such great time while they were here. We appreciate that they took time out of their busy schedules to spend time with us! We truly have the best Pastors in the world!!

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