Saturday, March 6, 2010


In January, Kyle, Anaya and I joined thousands of pro-lifers for a silent protest/prayer siege against an abortion clinic that is opening in Houston. We have never done anything like this before but God really pressed upon our hearts to go (especially since we were presented with the option of abortion when we learned of Anaya's prenatal conditions). This abortion clinic will be the 2nd largest abortion clinic in the world and it was built right in the middle of 4 black/latino neighborhoods.
The silent march was on MLK day. We marched around one of the neighborhoods near the clinic. The red "LIFE" tape over our mouths represented the silent cries of the unborn babies.
The night before the silent march, we gathered at a church and prayed for our country, the women this abortion clinic is targeting and the thousands of babies and children that will need to be adopted. There were many powerful testimonies as well. One woman was told to abort her 5th child or she would go blind in labor. She chose LIFE and lost her sight. One woman was conceived when her mother was gang raped by 8 men. One pastor testified that his small country church (in Possum Trot, TX) of about 100 members has adopted more than 75 children. We are so glad we were a part of this experience.

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