Saturday, November 21, 2009

CFNI Campus

This is the playground in the the family housing area. Anaya really likes the playground. The family housing is gated. You have to have a key to get in if you are walking on campus. When driving into the family housing, you have to have a code to get in. We don't live in the greatest area so it's great that the campus is very secure.
This is the field inside the the family housing area. There is a walking/bicycle track, basketball court, volleyball court and plenty of open field. The 2 two big canopies are the playground and the picnic area.

This is the Institute Building (a.k.a. the IB). This building contains the main auditorium where Kyle has Chapel and all his classes. This is also where they have Tuesday night services and where they record their CD's.

Inside the main auditorium
The big building in the background is the Gordon Lindsay Tower (a.k.a. the GLT). This is the men's dorm. It used to be a Holiday Inn. You can see this building from the highway.
This is the Christian Center (a.k.a. the CC). Inside this building is the bookstore, coffee shop, cafeteria and some offices.
Inside the CC
Going to the bookstore
This is the Headquarters building. All of the preschool classrooms are in here. There is also a chapel inside.
The Freda Lindsay World Mission Center has an auditorium, the house of prayer, a Mac lab and a very random dinosaur exhibit.

The CFNI Student Center has a gym, workout facilities, pool, and various offices.
The Library Chapel has a library and a chapel. It's where CFN Church has Sunday services.

Mom and the Hyltons in Dallas

My mom and our Pastors came to visit us last month. We were excited to have them with us. We've been really homesick and it was great to have family with us! They flew in on a Thursday evening and left early on Monday morning. When we first saw them, Anaya took off running to them (although it seemed like she didn't know who she was running to).

Pastor Hylton and Kyle
Kaitlyn and Anaya
'Lola' playing with Anaya on Friday morning
Friday morning in our apartment with Mom, Sister Bev, Pastor Hylton and Anaya

On Friday, we went to a mall in Mesquite, TX. Mesquite is about 20 minutes from CFNI. We did a little shopping and then we had a dinner at Benihana.

Anaya loved those chopsticks!

Saturday morning I cooked breakfast for everyone and invited our friends, Ricky and Angela, to join us. We wanted them to meet our Pastors and my mom. Ricky and Angela have become very good friends of ours. This is their 1st year in Dallas at CFNI. They are from Chicago and they have 3 beautiful children who love to play with Anaya.

After Breakfast, we gave Pastor and Sis. Bev a tour of the campus, then we ate some good ole Texas BBQ at Big Bruce's. Next we all went to the movies to see 'This Is It'.

On Sunday Morning, we went to church at Trinity Church. Trinity is a church in Cedar Hill, TX (about 15 minutes away) that Kyle and I were thinking about attending. We have since decided on another church but, we had a great time. Kyle left the service early to pick up Uncle Glenn and Donna from the airport (they stayed with us for a few days---it was so wonderful having so much family around!) and then we all had lunch at the Macaroni Grill. Later that evening, we went to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and had a fantabulous time!! We didn't want the night to end because we knew they have to leave in the morning.

We had a such great time while they were here. We appreciate that they took time out of their busy schedules to spend time with us! We truly have the best Pastors in the world!!


....I think so!


This is a song from The Backyardigans about a news station in Iowa that reports on corn. Anaya loves singing this song. She sings so well and she can already match pitch... So amazing!!

Crazy Hair Day!

So...Here's what happened. One morning, Anaya wakes up very wet. I had to leave for work so Kyle gave her a bath. I always do her hair after a bath but since I wasn't there, Kyle did her hair. Kyle put her hair in two [very loose] ponytails. Later in the day he took her to the park and it was very windy. Her loose ponytails became even looser and by the end of the day her hair looked like this. Sorry, Anaya.

If You're Happy And You Know It

Anaya learned this song at Preschool. She sings it all the time. This time she was a little distracted so it as good as it usually is but, it's still so cute! And I think she says 'Jesus" at the end!


Bible!! Anaya is learning new words everyday! This is the bible she received at her baby dedication.

Anaya and NuNu

NuNu is Anaya's friend from Preschool. They love each other! It's so cute seeing them together. They always run towards each other and start giving kisses. "NuNu" is her nickname and I'm not really sure what her real name is. Her parents are our RA's. They're from Botswana and will be moving back in January. I think Anaya is going to miss her. Hopefully we will go to Botswana one day and visit them.

Visit from Paige

Paige came to visit us in September. She stayed with us for 2 weeks. I was really glad to have her here with us and I didn't want to see her leave! She got to spend a lot of time with Anaya. Unfortunately, it rained the whole time she was here and we could hardly go anywhere. Hopefully she will be able to come back in May to stay with Anaya and me while Kyle is on his missions trip. He will be gone for 3 weeks and I don't want us to be by ourselves!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Visiting Serlena and Timothy

My friend, Serlena, was in Texas this weekend visiting her family. Anaya and I drove to Keller, TX to see her and her son, Timothy. It took us about 50 minutes to get there. It was so good to see a familiar face!

Anaya had Timothy and their own conversation going on. They hadn't seen each other in a while so they had a lot of catching up to do! lol

Prayer at Panera

While at lunch with some friends, Anaya began to lead us in prayer. She was so serious! She had Jesus on the main line and she was telling Him what she wanted!

I always wonder how God would move in our lives when we moved down here. It's amazing to see how He's touching Anaya's life as well. She loves praise & worship. During worship she lifts her hands and she claps. She walks around the house saying 'Amen' and 'Hallelujah' and now she's praying! I know that even as a child, she will do some great things for God!

We finally got out of the house...

Usually when we leave, it's to go to church or Wal-Mart. We haven't really seen much of the city. On Saturday we went the Galleria Mall in North Dallas. Its a huge mall. There are 4 levels and ice skating rink right in the middle of the mall! As far as the stores, its very similar to Keystone at the Crossing. They have Macys, Saks Fifth Avenue, Nordstroms and other stores with stuff we can't afford!


We have been watching BFWC services when we are able. Anaya's newest word is 'Amen' and she likes to say it when we are watching the services.

Our New Home

Kyle getting checked in and getting the keys to our apartment.

Our apartment is the 1st door on the bottom. There are quite a few family housing units. We live in Morning Star.

This is the common area outside of our door. Alot of kids like to skateboard out here.

Anaya made some friends on the first day! (of course...)

The Morning Star pool.

Kyle and Anaya decided to check it out after we moved everything in.

More pictures of our apartment and CFNI campus coming soon!

The Big Move

We had so many wonderful friends who came over and helped us load the truck and clean the house. Thanks so much, guys! We really, really appreciated your help.

This couple is AWESOME! Thanks Rodney and Sherry for all your help!!
Sarah and Anaya taking a break...

After we loaded the truck and cleaned the house, Kyle and I headed up to Zionsville to get some sleep at Renee's. At about 2:30 am, we all went over to my parents house to get ready to hit the road. Both of my parents, Renee, Kyle, Anaya and I left Indianapolis at about 3 am with 2 cars and a moving van. We started off driving west through Illinois and when we got into Missouri, we started driving south. We drove through Missouri, a little bit of Tennessee, Arkansas and finally Texas. Missouri was probably the hardest part of the drive. There was NOTHING in Missouri. There were these really long stretches of highway with no exits and no rest stops. We stopped to eat at Cracker Barrell somewhere in Arkansas.

It wouldn't have been a road trip without Cracker Barrel.

My dirty car :(

Almost there!
I really wanted to get more pictures but my mom had the camera...and anyone who knows my mom understands why I don't have more pictures! haha
Including all the stops, it took us about 18 hours from Indianapolis to Dallas.