Monday, September 7, 2009

Hanging Out w/ Family and Friends

During our last couple of weeks in Indy, we tried to hang out with as many friends and family members as we could....

...Eddie trying to teach Anaya how to say 'Sup'...
...out with some friends at the cheesecake factory to celebrate Sabrina's (in the pink) birthday...
...Anaya hanging out in the parking lot at church...
....Anaya and Sis. Bev at IHOP...
...Anaya and Pastor Hylton...
...Anaya and Kaitlyn...
....Anaya and Rodney....
...Anaya giving Brynna a goodbye kiss...
...Hollie and Anaya...
....Our last choir rehearsal :(....

...Dinner with the Hubbard's to celebrate my grandmother's birthday...
...Grandma and Me...
...praying over the food...
...Daddy giving Kyle some words of wisdom...
...Taryn and Me...
...Jordan and Me...
...Stephanie and Me...

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